Evergreen Real Estate

Evergreen, CO Real Estate

A recap of the the last 12 months for Evergreen, CO real estate. as you can see by the chart below that represents the last 12 months of average sale price. If you look at June and January of this year those months the average sale price in Evergreen is just below $800k. We do need to keep in mind that there might not have been a great deal of sales those months to gather enough data. What the chart is telling us is that Evergreen, CO real estate is still going up in value. It has gone up and done but the overal trend is higher for the lastt 12 months.

Evergreen Real Estate

The next thing we need to look at is the number of active listings. This month (June) is still not as high as last June but we are adding more active listings in Evergreen. We are still way below our number of active units 5 years ago. It is nice for buyers to see the inventory pick up. It is also nice for the sellers to the average sale price rise. This is a sign of a pretty healthy real estate market. It isn’t often that you see supply increas along with an increase in sale price. That should make the folks buying today feel pretty confident that the home they are buyin is worth what they are paying.

Evergreen active real estate listings

The average days on market or DOM for Evergreen is a little more of the same story. If you look at may which was the month that homes just flew off the market. At just over 20 on the market you can see that was really a sellers month. Then June is turning out to be much longer time to sell. Just over 2 months is a very reasonable time frame to sell a home. Actually most buyers would prefer to have at least that much time to prepare for their move and to find another home. So just around 2 months is a sign of a good healthy market.

Evergreen DOM

So in conclusion we are still in a very fast moving healthy market. It is still in the seller’s favor but we aren’t seeing the sellers moving the market too much. They still control it but buyers have calmed a bit with the offers being way over asking price. So as alsway it is still a very good time to buy or sell in Evergreen, CO the real estate market has been pretty much the same for the last 12 months and isn’t looking to be any different in the near term. Happy buyinng and selling and as always if you would like to talk real estate with an Evergreen, CO Realtor contact me anytime.

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