Real Estate Agent Danny Skelly

Best Real Estate Agent in Evergreen and Colorado

2020-03-08 The best real estate agent in Evergreen CO. Danny Skelly works in Denver, Golden and the Denver Foothills. So if you are looking for the best real estate agent feel free to call Danny and ask him what he will do as your listing agent or buyer agent. RealContinue Reading

Discount Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents Are Lowering Their Listing Fees


It seems the more listing appointments I go on the more I see other agents dropping their fees or just doing a listing on a “flat fee”. This is a very dangerous thing for sellers to do. Just like any business a real estate agent agent has overhead and expenses.Continue Reading

Steps in the home buying process

What are the steps in buying a home – What should I do first?


Just like most things in life buying a home has a process and steps you should take when buying a home. Although some of the steps can be skipped while buying a home the order in which they are done should usually be followed. Of course there is a little leeway in the process and some of the steps don’t apply to everyone but the basic idea is the same in all deals.Continue Reading

EAPL Honorary Mayor

Real Estate Agents Get Involved in The Community


Orson Hill Realty has always been involved in the community. Our real estate agents have children in the schools and go to the same restaurants and festivals as everyone else. We sponsor and donate to as many causes as we can. We are happy to announce our mascot (we areContinue Reading