Park Hill Denver, Colorado
Park Hill In Denver is split into South, Northeast and North sections. The north side has the most amount of residents.
South Park Hill
In 2010, South Park Hill had 8,590 residents in 3,449 households. The racial makeup of South Park Hill is 77.42 percent non-Latino white, 7.97 percent African American, 2.41 percent Asian, 0.48 percent Native American. Hispanic or Latino is 8.87 percent of the population. in 2000, Its median income was $88,479, well above the city’s overall median income of $55,128.62
North Park Hill
In North Park Hill there are about 10,057 residents in 3,944 households. Its median income was $58,392.34, slightly higher than the city’s overall median income of $55,128.62.
Northeast Park Hill
Northeast Park Hill has about according to the 2000 census. 7,824 residents in 2,633 households. Its median income was $37,468.06, below the city’s overall median income of $55,128.62.
In all of North Park Hill (the combination of north and northeastern neighborhoods), there were 17,881 residents in 6,577 households.
The average price per square foot for a home in Park Hill in November 2017 was $272 psf.