I am personally very big on social media. I have been a web designer and owned multiple high traffic sites. When I started my real estate company I took my web design and digital marketing to a whole other level. I advertise constantly, I post a ton of stuff. I am probably one of the most tech savvy brokers in the Denver Footh
ills. I use that to my advantage and to my clients advantage. I worked at a large brokerage (one of those national franchises) and my employing broker would always say “you’re wasting time on that internet stuff. Your website is just a business card”. Needless to say I left them and started my own firm that specializes in high tech marketing.
So the other day I am advertising on Facebook, I have about 20 ads running. Some idiot (that turns out to be another employing broker in Denver) writes in the comments of my ad “you get what you pay for”. Now to put this in context the ad that was running was 1.5% listing side commission for sellers in the month of March. Now the reason I am discounting is for one, inventory is low right now. So if I convince someone to hurry up and list this month it is more houses on the market. That means this idiot that was giving me slack would have more homes to show to his buyers. We all have more buyers than homes to sell right now. The other reason is I am not a franchise with a bunch of franchise fees so 1.5% is all I need on the list side. This guy was harassing me because I give a better product than he can offer and at a better price. This guy was furious!
Not only was what this guy did a breach of ethics as a Realtor we live up to a certain code. Like not publicly slam other Realtors. He is also the employing broker of a firm. This means he is in charge of Realtors below him. His job is to teach them how to treat clients and other brokers. This guy was way out of line in so many ways I had to write a post about him.
Let’s just forget about the fact for second that I pay for those ads. It is basically a billboard online and some tool troll comes by and writes his lame ass opinion on it. Let’s just forget about that part and focus on the fact that his business is based on a rate I can beat because I have lower margins and no franchise to pay. The fact I can bring a better product than him for less and I can sell your home just as fast if not faster. He is what is wrong with our industry. He is what is wrong with social media. He is a Realtor troll that has outlived his usefulness in the real estate industry. He should be ashamed of his immature and unethical business practice. He should try to focus on his clients and their needs like I do. Then He wouldn’t need to slam his competition.
That will conclude my rant! Happy selling season to one and all!